My hometown

Текст о Москве — Перевод на русский язык

Москва — столица нашей Родины. Название «Москва» впервые упоминается в старой летописи с 1147 года. Этот год считается годом основания нашей столицы. Москву основал Юрий Долгорукий.

История нашей столицы чрезвычайно насыщенная. Город был построен на протяжении веков, сгорел и возник из пепла и руин.

Одним из величайших памятников в истории России является Московский Кремль. Кремль был построен в конце 15 — начале 16 веков. Пять кремлевских башен украшены рубиновыми звездами. За его стенами находятся старые церкви, дворцы и другие сооружения прошлых времен. Многие старые церкви были отремонтированы в последние годы. Их позолоченные купола освещаются ночью. Красная площадь — сердце столицы. Здесь находится собор Василия Блаженного, самое красивое здание XVI века.

Москва — город-герой. Москва — политический, культурный и научный центр страны. Российское правительство находится здесь.

С каждым годом Москва приобретает все большее значение как центр науки и культуры. Академия Наук России, многие колледжи и университеты находятся здесь. Первый русский университет был основан в 1755 году М. Ломоносовым. М. Ломоносов был первым русским ученым с мировым именем. Он был также известен как поэт и художник. В Москве много красивых театров, музеев, концертных залов, и посещение их — настоящий праздник. Московский Большой Театр известен во всем мире. Третьяковская галерея с большой коллекцией картин местных художников и Музей изобразительных искусств им. А.С. Пушкина, где выставлены работы иностранных художников, являются одними из самых красивых достопримечательностей столицы.

Москва является важным промышленным, деловым и финансовым центром. В Москве много банков. Наша столица является крупным транспортным узлом. Есть 9 железнодорожных вокзалов, 2 порта и 5 аэропортов. Московское метро — самое красивое метро в мире.

Москва — один из самых красивых городов мира. Каждый год многие туристы приезжают в Москву, чтобы полюбоваться достопримечательностями столицы России. Я живу в Москве и горжусь своим городом.

Wortschatz — Слова к тексту

  1.  ist erwähnt worden — было упомянуто
  2. gelten —считается
  3. die Asche —пепел
  4. ereignisreich —богатыйсобытиями
  5. errichten —сооружать
  6. erlangen — получать (значение)
  7. einheimisch — отечественный
  8. die Kathedrale — собор

Fragen zum Text — Вопросы к тексту

  • Welches Jahr gilt als Gründungsjahr unserer Hauptstadt? — Какой год считается годом основания нашей столицы?
  • Warum ist Moskau ein politisches, kulturelles und wissenschaftliches Zentrum des Landes? — Почему Москва политический, культурный и научный центр страны?
  • Waren Sie im Kreml? — Посещали ли Вы Кремль?
  • Wann wurde der Kreml errichtet? — Когда был построен Кремль?
  • Wieviel Kremltürme sind mit Rubinsternen geschmückt? — Сколько кремлевских башен украшено рубиновыми звездами?
  • Welches Theater besuchen Sie besonders gern? — Какой театр вы особенно любите посещать?
  • Wann wurde die Lomonossow-Universität gegründet? — Когда был основан Университет Ломоносова?
  • Wann waren Sie zum letzten Mal in der Tretjakow-Galerie? — Когда вы в последний раз были в Третьяковской галерее?
  • Welche Sehenswürdigkeiten der Hauptstadt können Sie noch nennen? — Какие еще достопримечательности столицы вы можете назвать?

2. Red Square[SEE MAP]


Lying at the heart of Moscow, Red Square is the most important and impressive square in the city. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions due to its wealth of historical sights and cultural landmarks.

Drenched in history, the huge square is home to incredible sights such as the Kremlin, St. Basil’s Cathedral and Lenin’s Mausoleum, among others. Consequently, it is not to be missed when in Moscow as it really is home to the city’s most stunning monuments.

It is here that many important moments in Russian history took place; the former marketplace has hosted everything from Tsar’s coronations and public ceremonies to rock concerts and Soviet military parades. Wandering around the massive square is a humbling experience and undoubtedly one of the highlights the city has to offer.

Moscow State University

Situated around the centre of Moscow are seven gothic style skyscrapers which were built under Stalin and have since become known in English as the Stalin Skyscrapers or the Seven Sisters. Perhaps the most impressive of these is the main building of the Lomonosov Moscow State University which stands on the top of Sparrow Hills (Vorobyovy Gory); it is certainly the tallest of the seven standing at 182 metres tall or 240 metres tall if you include the spire. It was built between 1949 and 1953 and its main architect was Lev Rudnev. Its facade is decorated with sculptures by the famous sculptress Vera Mukhina. In addition to the spectacular building, just outside the front of the university is a viewing platform from where you can enjoy great views of the city.

Достопримечательности Москвы для детей

Classic children’s routes in Moscow are not much different from adults: schoolchildren must spend on Red Square and Kremlin museums, the Alexander Garden, and on other days diversify the cultural and entertainment program. Cognitive and interesting will be a walk through the zoological Darwin Museum, the exhibits of which will not leave indifferent any children. Fairy-tale expositions can be seen in the Pushkin Museum, the Museum of Russian Valenki, the House of Fairytales and the Ice Museum.

Do not forget about theaters, but it is advisable to buy tickets in advance. Pre-schoolers and junior schoolchildren will like it in the Theater for Young Spectators, the Puppet Theater or the Moscow Theater of the Children’s Book «The Magic Lamp», where they often stage performances based on fairy tales. Older pupils will also be interested in classical productions.

The Moscow Planetarium is a huge scientific complex, where schoolchildren of different ages like it. Here you can see a star map on the largest dome in Europe, touch meteorites and feel like an astronomer in an interactive park. On a fine day with children, you can go to the Moscow Zoo for the whole day, with an exotarium with reef fish, a dolphinarium and a pony club.

Клас­си­че­ские дет­ские марш­ру­ты в Москве мало чем отли­ча­ют­ся от взрос­лых: школь­ни­ков обя­за­тель­но про­во­дят по Крас­ной пло­ща­ди и крем­лев­ским музе­ям, Алек­сан­дров­ско­му саду, а в осталь­ные дни раз­но­об­ра­зят куль­тур­но-раз­вле­ка­тель­ную про­грам­му. Позна­ва­тель­ной и инте­рес­ной будет про­гул­ка по зоо­ло­ги­че­ско­му Дар­ви­нов­ско­му музею, экс­по­на­ты кото­ро­го не оста­вят рав­но­душ­ным ни одно­го ребен­ка. Ска­зоч­ные экс­по­зи­ции мож­но посмот­реть в Музее А. С. Пуш­ки­на, Музее «Рус­ские вален­ки», Доме ска­зок и в Музее льда.

Не сто­ит забы­вать и о теат­рах, но купить биле­ты жела­тель­но зара­нее. Дошко­ля­там и млад­ши­ми школь­ни­кам понра­вит­ся в ТЮЗе, Теат­ре кукол или Мос­ков­ском теат­ре дет­ской кни­ги «Вол­шеб­ная лам­па», где часто ста­вят спек­так­ли по сказ­кам. Школь­ни­кам постар­ше будут инте­рес­ны и клас­си­че­ские поста­нов­ки. Мос­ков­ский пла­не­та­рий — огром­ный науч­ный ком­плекс, где понра­вит­ся школь­ни­кам раз­но­го воз­рас­та. Здесь мож­но уви­деть звезд­ную кар­ту на самом боль­шом в Евро­пе купо­ле-экране, при­кос­нуть­ся к метео­ри­там и почув­ство­вать себя аст­ро­но­мом в интер­ак­тив­ном парке.

В пого­жий денек с детьми мож­но на весь день отпра­вить­ся в Мос­ков­ский зоо­парк, при кото­ром рабо­та­ют экзо­та­ри­ум с рифо­вы­ми рыба­ми, дель­фи­на­рий и пони-клуб.

Таким обра­зом, вы смо­же­те немно­го ска­зать про все досто­при­ме­ча­тель­но­сти Моск­вы на англий­ском. Инфор­ма­ция о том, как назы­ва­ют­ся досто­при­ме­ча­тель­но­сти Моск­вы на англий­ском язы­ке – это, бес­спор­но, полез­ные зна­ния. Ведь люди из мно­гих стран жела­ют сво­и­ми гла­за­ми уви­деть зна­ме­ни­тые рос­сий­ские достопримечательности.

Так­же вы може­те рас­ска­зать сво­им дру­зьям и зна­ко­мым о досто­при­ме­ча­тель­но­стях Санкт-Петер­бур­га или осо­бен­ных местах Лондона.


dreamstime/ Mikhail Grushin

Starting out in 1935 as the ‘All-Union Agricultural Exhibition’, VDNKh has slowly morphed over the years into the fascinating open-air museum of today. Remarkably, over 400 buildings can now be found within its confines.

The huge park complex has numerous pavilions representing former Soviet republics on show, such as those of Armenia and Turkmenistan and the distinctive architecture of each of the buildings is always interesting to gaze upon. In addition to this there is the fascinating Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics which is dedicated to space exploration and the fun Moskvarium aquarium even offers you the chance to swim with dolphins.

With lots of eateries scattered about and numerous entertainment options such as horse-riding and zip-lining, there is something for everyone to enjoy; the Friendship of Nations fountain truly is wonderful.

4. Bolshoi Theatre[SEE MAP]

flickr/Robert Nyman

The Bolshoi Theatre is the main theater in the country. The amazing opera and ballet performances it has put on over the centuries go a long way in explaining Russia’s rich history of performing arts.

While the Bolshoi Ballet Company was established in 1776, the theater itself was opened in 1825. The glittering, six-tier auditorium is lavishly and decadently decorated; it is a fitting setting for the world-class performances that take place on its stage.

Spending a night watching a performance of such classics as The Nutcracker or Swan Lake at the Bolshoi Theatre is sure to be a memorable experience and the beauty all around you only adds to the sense of occasion.

3. Moscow Kremlin[SEE MAP]

This famously fortified complex is remarkably home to five palaces and four cathedrals and is the historic, political and spiritual center of the city. The Kremlin serves as the residence for the country’s president. It has been used as a fort, and this fact is made clear by its sheer size. The Kremlin’s outer walls were built in the late 1400s.

Under Ivan III, better known as Ivan the Great, the Kremlin became the center of a unified Russian state, and was extensively remodeled. Three of the Kremlin’s cathedrals date to his reign that lasted from 1462-1505. The Deposition Church and the Palace of Facets were also constructed during this time. The Ivan the Great Bell Tower was built in 1508. It is the tallest tower at the Kremlin with a height of 266 feet (81 meters).

Joseph Stalin removed many of the relics from the tsarist regimes. However, the Tsar Bell, the world’s largest bell, and the Tsar Cannon, the largest bombard by caliber in the world, are among the remaining items from that era. The Kremlin Armory is one of Moscow’s oldest museums as it was established more than 200 years ago. Its diamond collection is impressive.

The Kremlin’s gardens – Taynitsky, Grand Kremlin Public and Alexander – are beautiful. The Kremlin has also served as the religious center of the country, and there is a tremendous number of preserved churches and cathedrals here. The collections contained within the museums include more than 60,000 historical, cultural and artistic monuments. Those who enjoy the performing arts will want to consider attending a ballet or concert at the State Kremlin Palace. Completed in 1961, it is the only modern building in the Kremlin.

Novodevichy Convent


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Novodevichy Convent | Andrey Anisimov / Alamy Stock Photo

Founded in 1524, the Novodevichy Convent is a place steeped in history. Behind the walls that once served as a fortress, there are four cathedrals with a fascinating icon collection and a venerable cemetery. Back in the day it was common for women from noble families to retire in monasteries, and the Novodevichy Convent had some notable residents such as Princess Sophia and Eudoxia Lopukhina, both related to Peter the Great (and imprisoned by him). The former was his half-sister who claimed the throne; the latter was his first wife, who stood in the way of his marriage to Catherine I.

My Hometown или My Homecity?

Отмечу такой момент. Вы наверняка знаете, что town — это маленький городок, а city — большой город. Кажется логичным, что, если вы из Москвы, то нужно писать homecity, не так ли? На самом деле, не совсем так. Слово homecity в принципе возможно и понятно, но обычно под hometown подразумевают родной город независимо от его размеров. Вот пример из Cambridge Dictionary:

Другой вопрос, hometown — это город, где родился или город, где живу? Может быть и то, и другое. Если вы родились, выросли и живете в Челябинске, смело называйте его своим «hometown». Но бывает так, что человек родился, рос в одном городе, но давно живет в другом — этот город и будет «hometown». В общем, hometown — это тот город, который вы считаете своим home. Как в этом примере выше: человек родился в Майами, но жил в основном в Нью-Йорке, поэтому считает последний своим родным городом.

Christ the Saviour Cathedral

The most important cathedral in Russia is Moscow’s Christ the Saviour Cathedral; it is also its largest, having been designed to accommodate 10,000 people. The current version is actually the cathedral’s second incarnation as the original was famously demolished on the orders of Stalin in 1931, who wished to replace it with a giant Palace of Soviets, but these plans were later shelved. After the fall of the Soviet Union there were calls to rebuild the cathedral and construction work started in 1994 and was completed in 2000. In 2007 the funeral of President Yeltsin was held at the cathedral and in 2008 the funeral of Patriarch Alexius II.

Moskva City Restaurants

Moscow City has plenty of food options. There are all kinds of cafes and pizza places located in various buildings of Moskva City. But it really makes sense to visit some of the restaurants with a view if you are there.

  1. Sixty restaurant is located on the 62nd floor of the Federation tower.

    Inside Sixty features modern interiors with panoramic views of Moscow and a large open kitchen. The restaurant’s menu has an impressive selection of dishes from Russian, Italian and Pan Asian cuisines.

  2. Ruski is another restaurant with panoramic views of the city located on the 85th floor of the “Oko” tower in Moskva City. Ruski’s menu is focused on the so called modern Russian cuisine but also contains a lot of international dishes like tartars and Carpaccio.

    More details:

  3. Bamboo Bar is a restaurant with mixed cuisine focused on Pan Asian dishes. Bamboo’s menu features various fish and meat dishes as well as all kinds of sushi, sashimi, Japanese noodle soups and dim sums.

    The restaurant is located at the footsteps of one of the skyscrapers facing Moscow River. It is known for its large open verandah that is open in summer.

    More details:

  4. Similar to Bamboo Bar, Tutto Bene is located on the ground floor of one of the skyscrapers facing Moscow River. This place is worth visiting during warmer months when they open their summer verandah.

    Inside the restaurant features Italian interiors where you can enjoy select dishes of Mediterranean cuisine like octopus salad, homemade pastas and monkfish Carpaccio.

    More details:

Ostankino Television Tower

Остан­кин­ская башня Зна­ме­ни­тая остан­кин­ская баш­ня – это самая замет­ная досто­при­ме­ча­тель­ность Москвы.

Ostankino Tower is the 8th tallest freestanding structure in the world and the tallest in Europe and Russia. Its height is 540,1 metres. – Остан­кин­ская теле­баш­ня явля­ет­ся 8‑м самым высо­ким сво­бод­но сто­я­щим соору­же­ни­ем в мире, а так­же высо­чай­шим соору­же­ни­ем в Евро­пе и в Рос­сии. Ее высо­та состав­ля­ет 540,1 метров.

Ostankino Tower is open for tourists. There is the Seventh Heaven restaurant and two observation platforms. One of the platforms is outdoor and the other one is indoor. There is also a concert hall in Ostankino Tower where different events are held. – Баш­ня откры­та для тури­стов. В ней так­же рабо­та­ет ресто­ран «Седь­мое небо» и есть 2 смот­ро­вых пло­щад­ки. Одна из пло­ща­док откры­тая, а дру­гая – кры­тая. В Остан­кин­ской башне есть кон­церт­ный зал, где про­во­дят­ся раз­лич­ные мероприятия.

State Historical Museum

Building, Museum, Store

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State Historical Museum | John Warburton-Lee Photography / Alamy Stock Photo

An attraction in its own right, the State Historical Museum, founded in 1872 by Ivan Zabelin and Aleksey Uvarov, was once the principal medicine store, also containing antiquaries owned by the royal family. It now houses an impressive collection, which includes relics of prehistoric tribes that once inhabited the territory of present-day Russia, the country’s largest coin collection, as well as 6th-century manuscripts and artworks collected by the Romanov dynasty, among other treasures.

The State Tretyakov Gallery

Тре­тья­ков­ская галерея

The State Tretyakov Gallery is one of the largest depositaries of Russian fine art in the world. It was founded in 1856 by Pavel Tretyakov, a Moscow merchant. – Госу­дар­ствен­ная Тре­тья­ков­ская гале­рея содер­жит одну из самых круп­ных кол­лек­ций рус­ско­го изоб­ра­зи­тель­но­го искус­ства в мире. Она была осно­ва­на в 1856 году Пав­лом Тре­тья­ко­вым, мос­ков­ским купцом.

At first the gallery was located in a mansion owned by the Tretyakov family but with the growth of the collection new extensions were added to the mansion. – Сна­ча­ла гале­рея рас­по­ла­га­лась в особ­ня­ке, при­над­ле­жа­щем семье Тре­тья­ко­вых, но по мере роста кол­лек­ции к нему при­стра­и­ва­лись дру­гие помещения.

During the Great Patriotic War the collection was conveyed to Novosibirsk and in May 1945 returned to Moscow. – Во вре­мя Вели­кой Оте­че­ствен­ной вой­ны кол­лек­ция была пере­ве­зе­на в Ново­си­бирск и толь­ко в мае 1945 года была вновь при­ве­зе­на в Москву.

Sparrow Hills

Воро­бье­вы горы Ну и в завер­ше­нии рас­ска­жем об зна­ме­ни­тых Воро­бье­вых горах.

Sparrow Hills is one of the most significant Moscow’s landmarks. It reaches the height of 80 metres above the Moskva river. – Воро­бье­вы горы – одна из самых зна­чи­мых досто­при­ме­ча­тель­но­стей Моск­вы. Они воз­вы­ша­ют­ся на 80 мет­ров над уров­нем Москвы-реки.

Sparrow Hills is one of the most scenic places in the capital of Russia. The observation platform on the hill is a place worth visiting. It gives the best panoramic view of the city which both residents of the city and tourists can admire. – Воро­бье­вы горы – одно из кра­си­вей­ших мест рос­сий­ской сто­ли­цы. Смот­ро­вая пло­щад­ка на хол­мах – это место, кото­рое сто­ит посе­тить. С нее откры­ва­ет­ся самая луч­шая пано­ра­ма, кото­рой могут полю­бо­вать­ся как жите­ли горо­да, так и туристы.

In 1987 this landmark was declared a natural sanctuary. – В 1987 году эта досто­при­ме­ча­тель­ность была объ­яв­ле­на памят­ни­ком природы.

Ostankino Television Tower

Остан­кин­ская башня Зна­ме­ни­тая остан­кин­ская баш­ня – это самая замет­ная досто­при­ме­ча­тель­ность Москвы.

Ostankino Tower is the 8th tallest freestanding structure in the world and the tallest in Europe and Russia. Its height is 540,1 metres. – Остан­кин­ская теле­баш­ня явля­ет­ся 8‑м самым высо­ким сво­бод­но сто­я­щим соору­же­ни­ем в мире, а так­же высо­чай­шим соору­же­ни­ем в Евро­пе и в Рос­сии. Ее высо­та состав­ля­ет 540,1 метров.

Ostankino Tower is open for tourists. There is the Seventh Heaven restaurant and two observation platforms. One of the platforms is outdoor and the other one is indoor. There is also a concert hall in Ostankino Tower where different events are held. – Баш­ня откры­та для тури­стов. В ней так­же рабо­та­ет ресто­ран «Седь­мое небо» и есть 2 смот­ро­вых пло­щад­ки. Одна из пло­ща­док откры­тая, а дру­гая – кры­тая. В Остан­кин­ской башне есть кон­церт­ный зал, где про­во­дят­ся раз­лич­ные мероприятия.



«Москва-Сити» или Moscow-City – это новый дело­вой рай­он в сти­ле модерн, кото­рый стал излюб­лен­ным местом для всех туристов.

In Moscow City there are office buildings, shopping malls, leisure centres, exhibition centre, restaurants, elite apartments and flats and even Matrimonial Centre. –  В Москва-Сити есть офис­ные зда­ния, тор­го­вые и раз­вле­ка­тель­ные цен­тры, выста­воч­ный центр, ресто­ра­ны, элит­ные апар­та­мен­ты и квар­ти­ры и даже Дво­рец Бракосочетаний.

Moscow City is a business district designed to comply with international standards. – Москва-Сити – это биз­нес-квар­тал, спро­ек­ти­ро­ван­ный с уче­том меж­ду­на­род­ных стандартов.

Many people do not know that the length of all streets in this city put together is more than 4350 kilometers. There are a lot of hotels that offer rooms in various price categories. However, some of the hotels are considered to be the most expensive hotels in the world. Ostankino Tower is deemed to be the highest in Europe (540 meters), but it takes the 8th place in the world. – Не мно­гие зна­ют, что про­тя­жен­ность всех улиц горо­да состав­ля­ет более 4350 км. В Москве нахо­дит­ся огром­ное коли­че­ство оте­лей раз­лич­ной цено­вой кате­го­рии. одна­ко имен­но здесь нахо­дят­ся самые доро­гие оте­ли мира. Остан­кин­ская теле­баш­ня счи­та­ет­ся самой высо­кой в Евро­пе (540 м), но зани­ма­ет 8‑е место в мире.

10. Pushkin Museum[SEE MAP]

dreamstime/ Tatiana Vasilyeva

Despite its name, the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts actually has no connection at all to the famous poet other than that it was named in his honor after his death. A delight to visit, its extensive collection focuses on European art with masterpieces by Botticelli, Rembrandt, and van Gogh all featuring.

Sculptures, graphic art, paintings and more can be found in its beautiful galleries; various sections look at themes and epochs such as the Renaissance, the Dutch Golden Age, and Byzantine art.

Among the many highlights are the clownish characters which can be found in Cezanne’s Fastnacht (Mardi Gras) and the twirling ballerinas who look so elegant in Degas’ Blue Dancers. Picasso’s Young acrobat on a Ball is also well worth checking out for its interesting use of shapes and colors.

Moscow Skyscrapers Residential Area

As I have mentioned before 20% of the Moscow City’s space is allocated to apartments. The prices vary depending on the size, interior design and floor. Here is one of the examples that I found on one of the popular Moscow real estate websites.

This 500 square meters (about 5,500 square feet) apartment located on the 54th floor of the Federation Tower is on sale for $6,000,000. It features an expensive interior design by the well-known Hirsch Bedner Associates headquartered in California.

The apartment has 5 rooms including a 150 square meters (1600 square feet) living room. Looks nice!

The most expensive apartment in the district is located on 2 floors (58th & 59th) of the Empire tower. It occupies the space of 950 square meters (about 11,000 square feet), includes 270 degrees panorama windows and costs $17million.

Some Controversies

The construction started in 1992 when there was plenty of unused land all around the city. The state started to move production facilities built during the Soviet era outside the downtown and offer the land for construction. Some of the urban architects question the whole idea of building these skyscrapers in Moscow. There was no need for the city to grow taller similar to Hong Kong or Manhattan that simply lack the available plots of land.

Another great problem of The Moscow City district concerns the lack of parking space. Back in 1990 the number of cars registered in Moscow equaled 1 million. There were no traffic jams and there was enough free parking for everyone. Today there are almost 5 million cars in the city! It turns out they didn’t project that kind of growth and didn’t consider the world’s best practices for that kind of projects. As a result the whole Moscow international business center doesn’t have enough parking for everyone. Only a small portion of people working at the offices located there have their underground parking spaces.

The Bolshoi Theatre

Боль­шой театрThe Bolshoi Theatre is one of the most renowned theatres in the world. It is located in the heart of Moscow in Theatre Square. The performances of ballet and opera are held there. – Боль­шой театр – один из самых извест­ных теат­ров мира. Он рас­по­ло­жен в самом цен­тре Моск­вы на Теат­раль­ной пло­ща­ди. В нем ста­вят балет и оперу.

The Bolshoi Theatre was founded in 1776. Since then more than 800 productions have been staged there. – Боль­шой театр был осно­ван в 1776 году. С тех пор на его сцене было постав­ле­но более 800 произведений.

A lot of artists who work in the Bolshoi Theatre are awarded honorary titles. From 2005 to 2011 the theatre was closed for reconstruction. – Мно­гие арти­сты, рабо­та­ю­щие в Боль­шом теат­ре, удо­сто­е­ны почет­ных зва­ний. С 2005 по 2011 год театр был закрыт на реконструкцию.

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